Pritom Saha

Dallas, Texas ·

I'm Pritom, a first year Computer Science Ph.D. student at the University of Texas at Dallas. I am experienced in research, development and deployment of deep learning and machine learning models and accustomed to data analysis and visualization.



Teaching Assistant

The University of Texas at Dallas
Aug. 2023 - PRESENT / 1 Mon.

Software Engineer (AI/ML)

REEA Digital Ltd.
  • Developed Knowledge mining solutions using OpenAI GPT models, LangChain, and Azure Cognitive Services.
Apr. 2023 - Jul 2023 / 4 Mon.

Machine Learning Engineer

Apurba Technologies Ltd.
  • Trained and developed novel Bangla word-level Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Bangla Optical Handwriting Recognition (OHR) deep learning models as part of the Enhancement of Bangla Language in ICT through Research & Development (EBLICT) project, under the Ministry of ICT, the Government of Bangladesh.
  • Deployed muti-framework models for inference serving on both CPU and GPU servers.
  • Worked on Document Denoising to improve the performance of word segmentation and recognition.
  • Working on a Bangla Text-to-Speech deep learning model capable of outputting natural-sounding voice from Bangla text.
  • Tailored a Natural Language Processing (NLP) project to find similarities between doctor notes written in natural language and SNOMED CT database concepts using state-of-the-art language models.
Sep. 2021 - Mar. 2023 / 1 Yr. 7 Mon.

Research Assistant (RA)

Department of ECE, North South University
  • Explored deep learning with synthetic data to mitigate the scarcity of real-world data.
  • Studied and developed quantized models to achieve a lower memory footprint and faster inference on the CPU.
Dec. 2020 - Aug. 2021 / 9 Mon.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UGTA)

Department of ECE, North South University
  • Teaching assistant for Object-Oriented Programming course and Microprocessor Interfacing & Embedded Systems course.
  • Held weekly office hours and graded assignments.
Feb. 2020 - Sep. 2021 / 1 Yr. 8 Mon.



The University of Texas at Dallas

Ph.D. in Computer Science
Aug. 2023 - PRESENT

North South University

B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering
Graduated magna cum laude.

CGPA: 3.74 on a scale of 4.00

Jan. 2017 - May 2021

Murari Chand College

Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC)
Areas of Concentration: Science
Obtained General Scholarship on HSC exam based on merit.

GPA: 5.00 on a scale of 5.00

Aug. 2014 - Aug. 2016

Blue Bird School and College

Secondary School Certificate (SSC)
Areas of Concentration: Science
Received merit-based Talent-pool Scholarship on Primary School Scholarship exam.

GPA: 5.00 on a scale of 5.00

Jan. 2002 - May 2014



A Multifaceted Evaluation of Representation of Graphemes for Practically Effective Bangla OCR

International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR)

Abstract: Bangla Optical Character Recognition (OCR) poses a unique challenge due to the presence of hundreds of diverse conjunct characters formed by the combination of two or more letters. In this paper, we propose two novel grapheme representation methods that improve the recognition of these conjunct characters and the overall performance of OCR in Bangla. We have utilized the popular Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network architecture and implemented our grapheme representation strategies to design the final labels of the model. Due to the absence of a large-scale Bangla word-level printed dataset, we created a synthetically generated Bangla corpus containing 2 million samples that are representative and sufficiently varied in terms of fonts, domain, and vocabulary size to train our Bangla OCR model. To test the various aspects of our model, we have also created 6 test protocols. Finally, to establish the generalizability of our grapheme representation methods, we have performed training and testing on external handwriting datasets. Experimental results proved the effectiveness of our novel approach. Furthermore, our synthetically generated training dataset and the test protocols are made available to serve as benchmarks for future Bangla OCR research.


Rethinking Task-Incremental Learning Baselines

26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)

Abstract: It is common to have continuous streams of new data that need to be introduced in the system in real-world applications. The model needs to learn newly added capabilities (future tasks) while retaining the old knowledge (past tasks). Incremental learning has recently become increasingly appealing for this problem. Task-incremental learning is a kind of incremental learning where task identity of newly included task (a set of classes) remains known during inference. A common goal of task-incremental methods is to design a network that can operate on minimal size, maintaining decent performance. To manage the stability-plasticity dilemma, different methods utilize replay memory of past tasks, specialized hardware, regularization monitoring etc. However, these methods are still less memory efficient in terms of architecture growth or input data costs. In this study, we present a simple yet effective adjustment network (SAN) for task incremental learning that achieves near state-of-the-art performance while using minimal architectural size without using memory instances compared to previous state-of-the-art approaches. We investigate this approach on both 3D point cloud object (ModelNet40) and 2D image (CIFAR10, CIFAR100, MiniImageNet, MNIST, PermutedMNIST, notMNIST, SVHN, and FashionMNIST) recognition tasks and establish a strong baseline result for a fair comparison with existing methods. On both 2D and 3D domains, we also observe that SAN is primarily unaffected by different task orders in a task-incremental setting.


Analysis of Bangla Keyboard Layouts Based on Keystroke Dynamics

Intelligent Systems and Sustainable Computing, Proceedings of ICISSC 2021

Abstract: Keyboards are the primary devices for interaction with computer platforms and have been a central topic in HCI research for decades. The study of their layout design is important in deciding their efficiency, practicality and adoption. Multiple keyboard layouts have been developed for Bangla without any rigorous study for their comparison. In this paper, we take a quantitative data-driven approach to compare their efficiency. Our evaluation strategy is based on the key-pair stroke timing with data collected from standard QWERTY English keyboards. Our experiments conclude that the Bijoy keyboard layout is the most efficient design for Bangla among the four layouts studied. This quantitative approach can lay the groundwork for further study of these layouts based on other criteria.



Tech Stack

Programming Languages & Tools
  • Development of machine learning based solutions and prototyping.
  • Deployment of muti‑framework models for inference serving on both CPU and GPU servers.
  • Data analysis and visualization.
  • Android development.



Mathematics for Machine Learning and Data Science Specialization

DeepLearning.AI, Coursera

Courses covered Linear Algebra for Machine Learning and Data Science, Calculus for Machine Learning and Data Science and Probability & Statistics for Machine Learning & Data Science.

Jul. 2023

Machine Learning Specialization

DeepLearning.AI and Stanford University, Coursera

Courses covered Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Regularization, Gradient Descent, Artificial Neural Network, Decision Trees, Tree Ensembles, Xgboost, Recommender Systems, K-means Algorithm and Reinforcement Learning.

Feb. 2023

Deep Learning Specialization

DeepLearning.AI, Coursera

Courses covered Deep Learning, Optimization Techniques, Convolutional Neural Networks and Sequence Models.

Sep. 2020

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming

Al Sweigart, Udemy

Learned basic task automation with python, word, pdf and excel document parsing, desktop automation, web scrapping and email automation, regular expression etc.

Feb. 2020



  • Finalist - Robi Datathon 2.0, 2022
  • Champion - Whoosh!! Without Wheels by IEEE NSU SB, 2019
  • Runner up - IOT For Tomorrow by IEEE NSU SB, 2019
  • 1st Runner up - Electrathon by IEEE NSU SB, 2018
  • 3rd Place - Quiz Competition by Transparency International, 2012

Academic Projects


Speaker Verification

North South University

Speaker verification system using deep learning model that can verify the identity of a speaker from raw waveform.

Sep. 2020 - Apr. 2021

Sketch Colorization

North South University

Coloring black and white sketches using generative adversarial network.

May 2020 - Aug. 2020

Ashbab e-commerce app

North South University

An e-commerce android application that uses augmented reality to preview a product before buying.


Line Follower Robot with Cave Navigation

North South University

An autonomous line-follower robot that follows a line using an infrared sensor. Also capable of navigating through a cave in the absence of a line.





Vice Chair

IEEE North South University Robotics and Automation Society Student Branch Chapter

Planned chapter activities and conducted weekly meetings. Took basic robotics workshops as an instructor.

Aug. 2020 - Dec. 2021

Content Writing Coordinator

IEEE North South University Student Branch

Planned events, wrote event proposals and event reports. Participated in all the workshops and seminars organized by the student branch.

Jan. 2019 - Aug. 2020
  • Content Writing Coordinator - IEEE Student Transition and Elevation Partnership (STEP) 2019, Bangladesh
  • Publication Coordinator - IEEE Student Professional Awareness Conference (SPAC) 2019, Bangladesh
Professional Memberships
  • IEEE



Besides my professional and academic activities, I love to read books, watch TV shows and movies, travel to explore nature, and learn about diverse cultures of different nations throughout the world.
